Sinema Leo - Movies Today: Children's Video Story Books In English and Swahili
Sinema Leo Environmental Education Roadshow To reach a broader audience and make environmental education more entertaining, we have turned our Lucky the Wildebeest, Juma the Giraffe, Our Elephant Neighbours, and Saving Brother Rhino children's books into video story books. Scroll down to find the book you are looking for. The conservation lessons in our illustrated kids story books are now accessible to everyone in English and Swahili. The video story book movies are shown at rural villages around Tanzania as part of our Sinema Leo Environmental Education Roadshow. The roadshow is building pride in Tanzania's wildlife resources among an audience that has no access to national parks, very low literacy, and little access to outside entertainment.
The Amazing Migration Of Lucky The Wildebeest English Narration Without Subtitles
The story of Lucky the Wildebeest teaches ecological lessons about the wild animals of Tanzania.
Maajabu ya Uhamaji wa Mtoto wa Nyumbu Anayeitwa Bahati Kwa Kiswahili bila Maandishi
The Amazing Migration Of Lucky The Wildebeest English Narration With English Subtitles
Maajabu ya Uhamaji wa Mtoto wa Nyumbu Anayeitwa Bahati Kwa Kiswahili na Maandishi
Juma The Giraffe English Narration Without Subtitles
Juma the Giraffe is a heartwarming story about how every individual is unique and special, both on the outside and on the inside.