Our Partners
PAMS Foundation works to protect elephants and giraffes in the Tarangire Ecosystem. This work includes: facilitating regular ranger foot patrols and aerial patrols; training and better equipping rangers and scouts to provide improved surveillance and anti-poaching rapid response, and to improve prosecution success; and providing support to local communities in the Tarangire Ecosystem through environmental education. Wild Nature Institute assists PAMS by monitoring wildlife populations to determine whether their resource-protection efforts are effective, and by coordinating educational programs.
We also work closely with: Tanzanian Wildlife Research Institute, Tanzania National Parks, Tanzanian Wildlife Management Authority, African Wildlife Foundation, Manyara Ranch Conservancy, Randilen Wildlife Management Area, Burunge Wildlife Management Area, Wild Snake Project, Wildlife Conservation Society, Ujamaa Community Resource Team, Honeyguide, Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, and School for Field Studies to accomplish our shared goals of wildlife science, education, and advocacy for the preservation of wild nature.